
def content_str(
    content: Union[str, list[Union[UserMessageTextContentPart,
                                   UserMessageImageContentPart]], None]
) -> str

Converts the content field of an OpenAI message into a string format.

This function processes content that may be a string, a list of mixed text and image URLs, or None, and converts it into a string. Text is directly appended to the result string, while image URLs are represented by a placeholder image token. If the content is None, an empty string is returned.


  • content (Union[str, List, None]): The content to be processed. Can be a string, a list of dictionaries representing text and image URLs, or None.


  • str - A string representation of the input content. Image URLs are replaced with an image token.


  • The function expects each dictionary in the list to have a “type” key that is either “text” or “image_url”. For “text” type, the “text” key’s value is appended to the result. For “image_url”, an image token is appended.
  • This function is useful for handling content that may include both text and image references, especially in contexts where images need to be represented as placeholders.


def infer_lang(code: str) -> str

infer the language for the code. TODO: make it robust.


def extract_code(
        text: Union[str, list],
        pattern: str = CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN,
        detect_single_line_code: bool = False) -> list[tuple[str, str]]

Extract code from a text.


  • text str or List - The content to extract code from. The content can be a string or a list, as returned by standard GPT or multimodal GPT.
  • pattern str, optional - The regular expression pattern for finding the code block. Defaults to CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN.
  • detect_single_line_code bool, optional - Enable the new feature for extracting single line code. Defaults to False.


  • list - A list of tuples, each containing the language and the code. If there is no code block in the input text, the language would be “unknown”. If there is code block but the language is not specified, the language would be "".


def generate_code(pattern: str = CODE_BLOCK_PATTERN,
                  **config) -> tuple[str, float]

(openai<1) Generate code.


  • pattern Optional, str - The regular expression pattern for finding the code block. The default pattern is for finding a code block in a markdown file.
  • config Optional, dict - The configuration for the API call.


  • str - The generated code.
  • float - The cost of the generation.


def improve_function(file_name, func_name, objective, **config)

(openai<1) Improve the function to achieve the objective.


def improve_code(files, objective, suggest_only=True, **config)

(openai<1) Improve the code to achieve a given objective.


  • files list - A list of file names containing the source code.
  • objective str - The objective to achieve.
  • suggest_only bool - Whether to return only the suggestions or the improved code.
  • config Optional, dict - The configuration for the API call.


  • str - The improved code if suggest_only=False; a list of suggestions if suggest_only=True (default).
  • float - The cost of the generation.


def is_docker_running() -> bool

Check if docker is running.


  • bool - True if docker is running; False otherwise.


def in_docker_container() -> bool

Check if the code is running in a docker container.


  • bool - True if the code is running in a docker container; False otherwise.


def execute_code(
        code: Optional[str] = None,
        timeout: Optional[int] = None,
        filename: Optional[str] = None,
        work_dir: Optional[str] = None,
        use_docker: Union[list[str], str, bool] = SENTINEL,
        lang: Optional[str] = "python") -> tuple[int, str, Optional[str]]

Execute code in a docker container. This function is not tested on MacOS.


  • code Optional, str - The code to execute. If None, the code from the file specified by filename will be executed. Either code or filename must be provided.
  • timeout Optional, int - The maximum execution time in seconds. If None, a default timeout will be used. The default timeout is 600 seconds. On Windows, the timeout is not enforced when use_docker=False.
  • filename Optional, str - The file name to save the code or where the code is stored when code is None. If None, a file with a randomly generated name will be created. The randomly generated file will be deleted after execution. The file name must be a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the working directory.
  • work_dir Optional, str - The working directory for the code execution. If None, a default working directory will be used. The default working directory is the “extensions” directory under “path_to_autogen”.
  • use_docker list, str or bool - The docker image to use for code execution. Default is True, which means the code will be executed in a docker container. A default list of images will be used. If a list or a str of image name(s) is provided, the code will be executed in a docker container with the first image successfully pulled. If False, the code will be executed in the current environment. Expected behaviour:
    • If use_docker is not set (i.e. left default to True) or is explicitly set to True and the docker package is available, the code will run in a Docker container.
    • If use_docker is not set (i.e. left default to True) or is explicitly set to True but the Docker package is missing or docker isn’t running, an error will be raised.
    • If use_docker is explicitly set to False, the code will run natively. If the code is executed in the current environment, the code must be trusted.
  • lang Optional, str - The language of the code. Default is “python”.


  • int - 0 if the code executes successfully.
  • str - The error message if the code fails to execute; the stdout otherwise.
  • image - The docker image name after container run when docker is used.


def generate_assertions(definition: str, **config) -> tuple[str, float]

(openai<1) Generate assertions for a function.


  • definition str - The function definition, including the signature and docstr.
  • config Optional, dict - The configuration for the API call.


  • str - The generated assertions.
  • float - The cost of the generation.


def eval_function_completions(responses: list[str],
                              definition: str,
                              test: Optional[str] = None,
                              entry_point: Optional[str] = None,
                              assertions: Optional[Union[str, Callable[
                                  [str], tuple[str, float]]]] = None,
                              timeout: Optional[float] = 3,
                              use_docker: Optional[bool] = True) -> dict

(openai<1) Select a response from a list of responses for the function completion task (using generated assertions), and/or evaluate if the task is successful using a gold test.


  • responses list - The list of responses.
  • definition str - The input definition.
  • test Optional, str - The test code.
  • entry_point Optional, str - The name of the function.
  • assertions Optional, str or Callable - The assertion code which serves as a filter of the responses, or an assertion generator. When provided, only the responses that pass the assertions will be considered for the actual test (if provided).
  • timeout Optional, float - The timeout for executing the code.


  • dict - The success metrics.


class PassAssertionFilter()


def pass_assertions(context, response, **_)

(openai<1) Check if the response passes the assertions.


def implement(
    definition: str,
    configs: Optional[list[dict]] = None,
    assertions: Optional[Union[str,
                                              float]]]] = generate_assertions
) -> tuple[str, float]

(openai<1) Implement a function from a definition.


  • definition str - The function definition, including the signature and docstr.
  • configs list - The list of configurations for completion.
  • assertions Optional, str or Callable - The assertion code which serves as a filter of the responses, or an assertion generator.


  • str - The implementation.
  • float - The cost of the implementation.
  • int - The index of the configuration which generates the implementation.


def create_virtual_env(dir_path: str, **env_args) -> SimpleNamespace

Creates a python virtual environment and returns the context.


  • dir_path str - Directory path where the env will be created.
  • **env_args - Any extra args to pass to the EnvBuilder


  • SimpleNamespace - the virtual env context object.