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This notebook aims to demonstrate how AgentEval works in an offline scenario, where we use a math problem-solving task as an example. AgentEval consists of two key steps:

  • generate_criteria: This is an LLM-based function that generates a list of criteria (c1,…,cn)(c_1, \dots, c_n) to help to evaluate a utility given task.

  • quantify_criteria: This function quantifies the performance of any sample task based on the criteria generated in the generate_criteria step in the following way: (c1=a1,…,cn=an)(c_1=a_1, \dots, c_n=a_n)

For more detailed explanations, please refer to the accompanying blog post


AG2 requires Python>=3.9. To run this notebook example, please install pyautogen, Docker, and OpenAI:

%pip install "pyautogen>=0.2.3" docker
%pip install scipy
%pip install matplotlib

Set your API Endpoint

  • The config_list_from_json function loads a list of configurations from an environment variable or a json file. It first looks for an environment variable with a specified name. The value of the environment variable needs to be a valid json string. If that variable is not found, it looks for a json file with the same name. It filters the configs by filter_dict.

You can set the value of config_list in any way you prefer. Please refer to this User Guide for full code examples of the different methods.

import json
import os
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stats

import autogen
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.agent_eval.agent_eval import generate_criteria, quantify_criteria
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.agent_eval.criterion import Criterion
from autogen.agentchat.contrib.agent_eval.task import Task

config_list = autogen.config_list_from_json("OAI_CONFIG_LIST")

Run the Critic

To run the critic, we need a couple of math problem examples. One of them failed to solve the problem successfully, given in agenteval-in-out/response_failed.txt, and the other one was solved successfully, i.e., agenteval-in-out/response_successful.txt.

def remove_ground_truth(test_case):
    test_details = json.loads(test_case)
    # need to remove the ground truth from the test details
    correctness = test_details.pop("is_correct", None)
    test_details.pop("correct_ans", None)
    test_details.pop("check_result", None)
    return str(test_details), correctness

# Reading one successful and one failed example of the task
success_str = open("../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/samples/sample_math_response_successful.txt").read()  # noqa: SIM115
response_successful = remove_ground_truth(success_str)[0]
failed_str = open("../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/samples/sample_math_response_failed.txt").read()  # noqa: SIM115
response_failed = remove_ground_truth(failed_str)[0]

task = Task(**{
    "name": "Math problem solving",
    "description": "Given any question, the system needs to solve the problem as consisely and accurately as possible",
    "successful_response": response_successful,
    "failed_response": response_failed,

criteria = generate_criteria(task=task, llm_config={"config_list": config_list}, max_round=8)

The Criteria

Now, we print the designed criteria for assessing math problems.

current_task_name = "_".join(
cr_file = open(f"../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/{current_task_name}_criteria.json", "w")  # noqa: SIM115

Note : You can also define and use your own criteria in order to feed into the quantifier.

The QuantifierAgent

Once we have the criteria, we need to quantify a new sample based on the designed criteria and its accepted values. This will be done through quantify_criteria from agent_eval. Again, you can use your own defined criteria in criteria_file.

criteria_file = f"../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/{current_task_name}_criteria.json"
criteria = open(criteria_file).read()  # noqa: SIM115
criteria = Criterion.parse_json_str(criteria)

Running the quantifier on a single test case

Here, we run the quantifier on a single math problem test case, sample_test_case.json, for demonstration.

test_case = open("../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/samples/sample_test_case.json").read()  # noqa: SIM115
test_case, ground_truth = remove_ground_truth(test_case)
quantifier_output = quantify_criteria(
    llm_config={"config_list": config_list},
print("actual correctness:", quantifier_output["actual_success"])
print("predicted correctness:\n", quantifier_output["estimated_performance"])

Run AgentEval on the logs

In the example below, log_path points to the sample logs folder to run the quantifier. The current sample belongs to the prealgebra category which will be downloaded from here. In case you want to replicate the results described in the blog post, you can download all the logs for math problems using the following link.

# You can set your own log path - we also limited the number of samples to avoid additional costs.
# By removing the condition about limitations on the number of samples per category, you can run it on all 120 problems

log_path = "../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/agentchat_results/"

# The file is no longer in the repo, we can download it from an older commit
!unzip -o -d {log_path}

assert Path(log_path).exists(), f"The log path '{log_path}' does not exist."
criteria_file = "../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/samples/sample_math_criteria.json"
criteria = Criterion.parse_json_str(open(criteria_file).read())  # noqa: SIM115
outcome = {}

for prefix in os.listdir(log_path):
    for file_name in os.listdir(log_path + "/" + prefix):
        gameid = prefix + "_" + file_name
        if file_name.split(".")[-1] == "json":
            test_case, ground_truth = remove_ground_truth(open(log_path + "/" + prefix + "/" + file_name).read())  # noqa: SIM115
            quantifier_output = quantify_criteria(
                llm_config={"config_list": config_list},
            outcome[gameid] = quantifier_output

# store the evaluated problems
with open("../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/evaluated_problems.json", "w") as file:
    json.dump(outcome, file, indent=2)  # use `json.loads` to do the reverse

Plotting the estimated performance

Here you can find an example of how to visualize the obtained result in the histogram form (similar to the one in the blog post).

# computing average and 95% interval for failed and successful cases on all criteria

with suppress(Exception):
    criteria = Criterion.parse_json_str(open(criteria_file).read())  # noqa: SIM115

nl2int = {}
for criterion in criteria:
    for score, v in enumerate(criterion.accepted_values):
        nl2int[v] = score

average_s = {}
average_f = {}

conf_interval_s = {}
conf_interval_f = {}

for criterion in criteria:
    task = {"s": [], "f": []}

    for game in outcome:
        with suppress(Exception):
            tmp_dic = eval(outcome[game]["estimated_performance"])
            if outcome[game]["actual_success"] == "false":

    average_f[] = np.mean(task["f"])
    average_s[] = np.mean(task["s"])

    conf_interval_s[] = stats.norm.interval(0.95, loc=np.mean(task["s"]), scale=stats.sem(task["s"]))
    conf_interval_f[] = stats.norm.interval(0.95, loc=np.mean(task["f"]), scale=stats.sem(task["f"]))

The final plot would be saved in ../test/test_files/agenteval-in-out/estimated_performance.png

# Create a bar plot with error bars for the average values of "s" and "f" for each criterion

plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
bar_width = 0.1
index = np.arange(len(criteria))
    label=f"success ({len(task['s'])} samples)",
    yerr=[(avg - conf_interval_s[key][0]) for key, avg in average_s.items()],
    index + bar_width,
    label=f"failed ({len(task['f'])} samples)",
    yerr=[(avg - conf_interval_f[key][0]) for key, avg in average_f.items()],

plt.xlabel("Criteria", fontsize=16)
plt.ylabel("Average Value", fontsize=16)
    "Average Values of 3 different baselines cases with 95% Confidence Intervals - math problems ", fontsize=12, pad=10
)  # Adjust titlepad to move the title further above
plt.xticks(index + bar_width / 2, [ for crit in criteria], rotation=45, fontsize=14)
plt.legend(loc="upper center", fontsize=14, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, 1), ncol=3)  # Adjust legend placement and ncol
plt.tight_layout()  # Adjust subplot parameters to fit the labels
plt.ylim(0, 5)